Welcome to “The Deep” connect and engage with me for creative conversations.
Seeking stimulation or a way through a mental block? This is your chance to have a challenging conversation. There is only the limit of your imagination on what may arise and you may even be able to break through to an unforeseen intellectual and emotional horizon.
The trick is to move beyond fear. After many years as a psychologist and minister I have been privileged to be able to help people move on through their fears. There is no magic to this it is often hard work, but when the barrier is broken through the joy is overwhelming.
Being well doesn’t relate only to your physical health, being well deep down can be yours even if you are physically or mentally ill. Wellness is a complex and completely individual reality which you create. Other people such as me can help you shape that reality. Get in touch and we can begin a lifechanging encounter.
The road less travelled is the one on the left, it is greener
and less clearly delineated. This of course leaves scope for your creativity.
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